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Parents/Guardians Contact with Principal

If parents/Guardians feel any requirement then he/she should contact the Principal.

If a child is absent, he/she must bring a letter of excuse signed by the parents. A medical certificate along with a letter from the parents will be required if a child is absent for more than two days. Parents must inform the office in writing in case of long illness or absence.

The school uniform is compulsory for all students.

Parents Meeting

After each term, a parents meeting will be arranged .Optionally parents’ can meet the respective class teachers once a week.

Parents’ Days:

Parents’ Day programs will be organized by the school & College at the end of each term regularly where students’ results shall be given and their progress will be discussed with individual subject teachers. Additionally parents are welcome to come and talk with us as and when required through prior appointment.

The teachers to parent relationships in one of the utmost importance to us. We insist on regular contact with parents and vice versa. So information on the progress of student can be exchanged and updated. In the process, parents can also contribute to bringing a change in the school & College for a better environment and standard, parents opinions should finish their homework at the home and come to school & College regularly .We will always encourage and appreciates parents to come and grace our portents day occasions.